Sunday, January 12, 2014

Reflection on Grade 12 semester 1 and reviewing of the Goals (part 3)


My first goal for the service is about achieving all tasks given by my service leaders.

Prove that I can follow the examples of the leaders in SOS Orphanage and achieve tasks with my best effort applied to them. Then, reflect on my experiences and of all the self accomplishments in the service sessions.

I feel that I have certainly achieved this goal for semester 1 and I will continue to do so for semester 2 as well. Our basic tasks in SOS Orphanage are to teach the kids some English and Maths, then teach them about a country via a PowerPoint presentation and then finally head down to pool and teach them swimming. I have been able to do 2 out of 3 of these tasks, I have still to give a presentation about a country. This is something I hope to do soon before the end of the interim. Nevertheless, throughout the semester, we have planned and initiated our activities whilst working collaboratively with each other in order to give the SOS children a fun learning experience here at OSC. My biggest accomplishment this semester was probably helping a kid who was very scared of the water, to move away from the sides of the pool and swim a complete lap (width). It took some time but in the end, it was rewarding to see him overcome his fears of the water.

My second and third goals are based on taking part in my own service activity as a leader.

Formulate my own service activity either in school or outside, or take up a leadership role in an already existing service activity.

When the second goal has been accomplished; reflect on my first days' work as a leader as well as prove that I am capable enough to continue my leadership role.

Though I was not able to obtain a leadership role in a service activity, I have however been able to obtain a leadership role in Cricket, which is regarded as a Creative and Action activity. Shwetank, Shubanshu and I became leaders of the After School Activity (ASA) Cricket, which is an activity where students from grades 6 and up can come to play cricket with us whilst learning some cricket skills as well. This was one of my favorite activities I did this year because of my love for Cricket. Since the beginning of the year, my co-leaders and I worked collaboratively and show perseverance and commitment in to being good leaders of this sport at OSC. We got good feedback from the kids in our ASA and I could see their improvement from the beginning of the semester to end of it.

My final goal is:

Reflect on my overall experience of service work by the end of this year and show how I have grown as a service volunteer as well as how it has affected me.

Since this year hasn't ended yet, I have yet to accomplish this goal completely. However, I have had a great experience so far in CAS and I can see that I have changed in terms of my perspective of CAS and its global importance especially in the Service aspect.

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